LFW Rohmir S/S19 “My Fairy Tale” at Freemasons’ Hall

London has many things to offer and fashion is one of them. London Fashion Week was held the other day and I was fortunate to be invited to one the fashion shows.

The show was Rohmir’s Spring/Summer 2019 collection, “My Fairy Tale”.

And this grand building was the venue; at the Freemasons’ Hall in Covent Garden.

I invited my clients and friends and here we are, waiting to enter the building. Very exciting!


Rohmir is a Swiss luxury fashion brand that designs beautiful ready-to-wear clothing and fashion accessories for women and girls.

I love the fact that her designs are not only gorgeous but are practical, very wearable in our daily lives.

I also enjoy watching the people who attend the catwalk. Very interesting, don’t you think?!


And of course, stepping inside the Freemasons’ Hall is amazing. As you can see, the interior is stunning.

This time, we visited the “gift shop” too. Yes, they have a gift shop.


To my pleasant surprise, the staff there were extremely friendly.

I asked if I could take photos for my blog and one of them replied,

“Of course you can, take any photos, buy anything but you can’t buy me!” : )



It was lovely to share this experience with my guests.

One of the guests travelled from Paris, came straight to the event after getting off the Eurostar, so thank you for the effort!

Looking forward to sharing more exciting events with my clients. I hope you can join us.


Posted in Latest News.